Measure & Optimise Skills among Diverse Employees

Powerful skills data to inform your people strategy, while connecting your diverse workforce to share their knowledge with each other

Key Benefits

Whether it’s getting immediate help with the task at hand or longer term learning and coaching, we match colleagues on a 1:1 basis, to collaborate and share knowledge in an inclusive way, avoiding bias. Helping you get the most out of the diverse talent you’ve already invested in.

We provide a real-time and interactive skills matrix of all existing know-how and competencies among your employees. So you can identify trends and measure the effectiveness of your initiatives based on employee gender identity, age, ethnicity and other dimensions. We’ll tell you who has which skills and where there are gaps so you can ensure your people are valued for what they bring.

Automatically track shifting skills need and accurately predict future skills needs. Avoid costly mistakes and innovate faster by making the right decisions on your future D&I workforce, recruitment and business strategy.

Key Features

Inform your people strategy

Use your very own skills dashboard to Identify the skills that are available, most in demand and also where the gaps are. This is in real-time, meaning you always have the most accurate data to inform your people strategy.

Instantly match your team on skills

Whether its to exchange know-how for an urgent task, for coaching or longer term learning, we instantly identify the best matches within your workforce. Your team connect with each other, when they need it most. 

Tertiary onWhite

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Let us show you how eSwapp helps your organisation's Diversity and Inclusion strategy

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