eSwapp for Business

Maximising the potential for your organisation

You’ve hired great talent, often at great expense. But how do you motivate and retain your greatest asset (your team!) so you can meet your goals?

With eSwapp on your side, we’ll let you know the skills that will drive you towards your business goals: now and in the future. We’ll instantly match team members for skill-swapping based on your needs and aspirations. Let us match your spreadsheet ninja with your public speaking guru and maximise your team’s potential!

Increase Productivity

Finding the right person for your project at the right time enables you to speed up the process of innovation and meet your deadlines ahead of schedule. Equally, highlighting the best person to mentor your employees, so that their skills and knowledge can be shared, is an effective way to achieve your goals and prepare your business for the future

Attract & Retain

In today’s distributed workplaces, 1:1 learning offers staff a unique opportunity for personal development. This provides an attractive opportunity for the very best talent. Employers that provide training, which empowers staff to meet their needs and aspirations, also experience higher rates of retention and satisfaction among their employees.

Reduce Costs

Avoid the unnecessary expense of hiring for skills. Our living inventory of skills informs your strategy for reskilling and upskilling. We’ll let your existing employees’ skills flourish, getting you more bang for your buck.

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Let us show you how eSwapp helps your organisation